Dog Collars

HALTI Black Size 3


HALTI Black Size 3

NEW & IMPROVED HALTI HEADCOLLARThis 5th generation Halti has some exciting modifications and new packaging making it the very best headcollar available, recommended by vets and animal experts worldwide.It is easy to see why Halti is the best-selling headcollar around the globe!...

Halti Head Collar size 4


Halti Head Collar size 4

NEW & IMPROVED HALTI HEAD COLLAR This 5th generation Halti has some exciting modifications and new packaging making it the very best headcollar available, recommended by vets and animal experts worldwide. It is easy to see why Halti is the best-selling headcollar around...

Ancol Pawty Stripe Present Accessory Set


Ancol Pawty Stripe Present Accessory Set

Ancol Pawty Stripe Present Accessory Set is a cool collar accessories for pooches that love to go all out in style. Accessories will fit all Ancol collars with matching hat, bandanas, and toys available. We are committed to reducing our packaging and using...

Ancol Pawty Sprinkle Cake Accessory Set for Dogs


Ancol Pawty Sprinkle Cake Accessory Set for Dogs

Ancol Pawty Sprinkle Cake Accessory Set for Dogs are cool collar accessories for pooches that love to go all out in style. Accessories will fit all Ancol collars and have matching hat, bandanas, and toys available. We are committed to reducing our...

HALTI Black Head Collar Size 0


HALTI Black Head Collar Size 0

NEW & IMPROVED HALTI HEADCOLLAR!This 5th generation Halti has some exciting modifications and new packaging making it the very best headcollar available, recommended by vets and animal experts worldwide.It is easy to see why Halti is the best-selling headcollar around the globe!...

Julius-K9 Color & Gray® All Weather Dog Collar-With Handle-Large Dogs


Julius-K9 Color & Gray® All Weather Dog Collar-With Handle-Large Dogs

From our very popular Color & Gray® brand, this webbed, weather resistant, dog collar is made from highly durable material built to withstand intense wear and tear as well as tough weather conditions. The heavy-duty buckle and safety lock keep your dog...

Ancol Whelping Collar Puppies


Ancol Whelping Collar Puppies

Bright colours to make identification simple Extra-soft and lightweight collars for your puppies' comfort Hook and loop fastening (fastens when the fabric is pressed together) for ease of use and comfort These collars measure 23cm total length. Collars must overlap to stay...

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