Dog Treats

Buffalo Ears Treats for Dogs 4pk


Buffalo Ears Treats for Dogs 4pk

Buffalo Natural Dog Treats are 100% natural. Sourced from free-range, grass fed Buffalo, they are a healthier and leaner alternative to Pork and Beef. They are also a great source of Omega-3.These Buffalo Ears are a high quality dog treat. Dogs love...

Rabbit Ears with Fur 1kg


Rabbit Ears with Fur 1kg

Loaded with nutrients, rabbit ears with fur are rich in protein & great for maintaining healthy muscles, hair & skin. Furry rabbit ears are the perfect natural de-worming treat for your dog, the fur helps to sweep out the digestive tract of...

Forthglade Just Chicken with Heart Grain Free


Forthglade Just Chicken with Heart Grain Free

Forthglade Just Chicken with Heart 395g Grain Free2 months +We’re a bunch of Devonian dog lovers on a mission to make your relationship with your biggest fan as nourishing as it can be. So we use no junk or fillers – just...

Hollings Pigs Ears 2-Pack


Hollings Pigs Ears 2-Pack

Hollings have been manufacturing premium quality air dried treats for dogs since 1966, with rigorous quality procedures in place and with raw ingredients sourced from trusted suppliers to ensure every bag is just as it should be. Treats are packed with wholesome...

Munch & Crunch Tripe Stix


Munch & Crunch Tripe Stix

Munch & Crunch Tripe Stix. Full of flavour and with 100% natural ingredients, the snack can be given at any time of day as a tasty treat or reward. Always supervise when feeding and keep fresh water available.

Nature's Variety Complete Freeze Dried Chicken Complete Dinner


Nature's Variety Complete Freeze Dried Chicken Complete Dinner

Our ground-breaking Freeze Dried dog food combines all the flavour and goodness of raw ingredients with the ease and convenience of dry dog food. Simply store in a cupboard and it’s ready to serve whenever it’s dinner time.Nature’s Variety Complete Freeze Dried...

Hollings Venison Sausage 3pk


Hollings Venison Sausage 3pk

Hollings Venison Sausage 3pk Composition - Pork & Venison Meat & Animal Derivatives Analytical Constituents: Crude Fibre 3% Oils & Fats 22% Crude Ash 8.8 % New flavour of sausage Highest Quality Ingredients used 100% Natural Attractive packaging

Hollings Salami Sausage 3pk


Hollings Salami Sausage 3pk

Hollings Salami Sausage 3pkComposition: Beef & Pork Meat & Animal DerivativesAnalytical Constituents:Protein 40%Crude Fibre 2.5%Oils & Fats 36%Crude Ash 7% Highest Quality ingredients New long sausage for dogs Attractive Packaging Come in a shelf ready display box Perfect treat or reward for...

Hollings Meat & Veg Sausage 3pk


Hollings Meat & Veg Sausage 3pk

Hollings Meat & Veg Sausage 3pk Composition: Beef, Pork & Veg Meat & Animal Derivatives Analytical Constituents: Protein 35% Crude Fibre 1.4% Oils & Fats 40% Crude Ash 6.1% Highest Quality Ingredients used 100% Natural New long sausage

Hollings Buffalo Horn Jumbo


Hollings Buffalo Horn Jumbo

Hollings Buffalo Horn JumboLow in FatLong LastingNo Additives or preservativesBuffalo horns are good for aggressive chewers and help to satisfy chewing needs. Support healthy teeth and gumsAlso available in Standard and Mini Size

Anco Naturals Giant Camel stick


Anco Naturals Giant Camel stick

Anco Naturals Giant Camel Sticks are fully traceable and sustainable and comes from human grade animals raised ethically on farms in Europe. Leaner than beef and an excellent source of protein and vitamins, Camel is a great alternative to more widely available...

Hollings Buffalo Horn


Hollings Buffalo Horn

Hollings Buffalo Horn StandardLow in FatLong LastingNo Additives or preservativesBuffalo horns are good for aggressive chewers and help to satisfy chewing needs. Support healthy teeth and gumsAlso available in Mini and Jumbo Size

Anco Duck Grill Dog Treat


Anco Duck Grill Dog Treat

Anco Duck Grills are made with 100% Meat. There are NO Biscuit or Cereal Ingredients. That’s why our Duck Grills are gluten free, fresh, and super tasty! Gluten Free 100% Meat Treat High in Protein No Artificial Flavourings Easy to break like a...

Hollings Cow Ears 3 pack


Hollings Cow Ears 3 pack

Hollings Cow Ears are 100% natural, quality air dried treats for your dog.Tasty, nutritious and a firm favourite of dogs, Hollings Cow Ears are an alternative from pork pigs ears and a great way treat to train, reward or treat your dog....

Anco Naturals Dried Goose Foot


Anco Naturals Dried Goose Foot

Anco Naturals Dried Goose Feet contain only 100% Goose with no artificial colourings and no artificial fragrances or artificial flavours. The perfect crunchy and chewy treat. NO Preservatives NO Additives Gluten Free Treats 100% Natural. They're Naturally Better Nutritional Analysis: Protein 9%,...

Pet Munchies Duck Strips Super Value Pack 320g


Pet Munchies Duck Strips Super Value Pack 320g

Quality Real Duck This premium gourmet treat is made with 100% natural premium, human grade, duck breast meat. These tender strips of duck can be given as a chew, and are easy to break up for training and rewards. Naturally high in...

Anco Naturals Dried Goose Neck


Anco Naturals Dried Goose Neck

Anco Natural goose necks are a substantial snack for any dog, providing a variety of textures, with the benefit of being additive and preservative free, high in protein, low in fat, hypoallergenic, and totally delicious. They come in their natural form, simply...

Pet Munchies Chicken Twists Super Value Pack 290g


Pet Munchies Chicken Twists Super Value Pack 290g

Natural Chicken TwistsThis is a premium gourmet dental stick made with succulent twists of 100% natural chicken breast wrapped around a rawhide stick.Designed to satisfy your dogs’ natural instinct to chew.Can help to reduce tartar and plaque for healthy teeth and gums.Naturally...
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