Dog Treats

Pet Munchies 100% Natural Duck Training Treats


Pet Munchies 100% Natural Duck Training Treats

Made with 100% Natural: Quality Real Duck Breast. These premium gourmet tasty bites, made from the finest ingredients, make the perfect training aid. Delicately baked to perfection in their own natural juices. Give as a reward or simply for pleasure. Great for...

LickiMat Soother

from £6.00

LickiMat Soother

Spread your pets favourite healthy soft treat over the mat surface with e.g back of spoon or plastic scraper. Ensure the treat is nicely embedded in surface. You can freeze to give your pet a longer reward challenge.Treat Suggestions:Yoghurt, peanut butter, cream/cottage...

Wagg Tasties Chicken & Liver Treats


Wagg Tasties Chicken & Liver Treats

Keeping tails wagging since 1986.We make food for Dogs. We put their needs before our own and create complete, balanced recipes to keep our furry pals healthy and happy. Every ingredient we use has a purpose, with nothing extra added that your...

Wagg Steaklets Treats


Wagg Steaklets Treats

Wagg Steaklets are oven baked, Semi Moist, Meaty Dog Treats with Beef & Cheese, to tempt even the fussiest of dogs.Great for reward based training or as a treat. Suitable for Adult dogs and Puppies from 8 weeksIngredients: Wheat, Beef Meal (26%),...

Kong Rewards Tennis Large


Kong Rewards Tennis Large

KONG Rewards Tennis adds a topspin to treat-dispensing that rewards with kibble, treats and fun with every action-packed roll. Built from durable materials and featuring unpredictable movement this toy is sure to keep dogs engaged while providing mental and physical enrichment. An...

NatureDiet Natural treats chicken


NatureDiet Natural treats chicken

Natural and delicious real meat treats made with Premium Grade British Chicken, rice and vegetables. Rich in taste, this semi-moist complementary treat is highly palatable, super healthy and perfect for using as a training aid. A healthy and hypoallergenic single protein, wheat...

Anco Naturals Bully Chins


Anco Naturals Bully Chins

Anco Naturals air dried bully chins made from 100% natural ingredients (Cow). Each Bully Chin is high in protein and naturally rich in iron, zinc, selenium and B vitamins. 100% Beef (cow) Simply air dried Great for dogs that love to chew...

Betty Miller Grain-Free Garlic Chicken Paws


Betty Miller Grain-Free Garlic Chicken Paws

Suitable for: All Dogs – Great size for rewardingBiscuit dimensions: 27x27x5mm (1x1x0.25 inches) approximatelyBiscuit weight: 3g approximatelyPack weight: 500g (1.1lb)Feeding recommendations: Feed 2-3 per day depending on size, weight and activityWheat free: YesGrain free: Yes Composition: Peas, Chicken (16%), Chicken Fat (10%),...

Antos Highland Antler Dog Chew - Extra Large


Antos Highland Antler Dog Chew - Extra Large

The Antos Highland Antler Dog Chew Extra Large is made from Red and Fallow deer antler, most of which comes from Scottish highland herds. Antos simply cleans and cuts the antlers to various sizes and weights for your dog to chew on....

Betty Miller Charcoal Little Bones 500g


Betty Miller Charcoal Little Bones 500g

It may not sound very appealing to humans but dogs love charcoal bones and it is a fantastic ingredient for aiding digestion. This is one of Betty’s oldest recipes and is a huge hit with breeders, dog owners (and their four legged...

Betty Miller Grain Free Cheese Little Bones 400g


Betty Miller Grain Free Cheese Little Bones 400g

These natural oven baked treats are ideal for smaller dogs and great for rewarding good pooches. Grain Free and made with only the finest of natural ingredients.Composition: Peas, Sweet Potato, Chicken (15%), Chicken Fat, Cheese (4%), Natural ColoursAnalysis: Crude protein 20.9%, Crude...

Betty Miller Salmon & Seaweed Bone (Wheat Free)


Betty Miller Salmon & Seaweed Bone (Wheat Free)

Betty Miller's Wheat Gluten Free Salmon & Seaweed bones are delicious, so if your dog is partial to the taste of fish they're sure to love these! They are oven baked with no preservatives or additives and of course no wheat.At the...

Munch & Crunch Jerky Snack


Munch & Crunch Jerky Snack

Munch & Crunch Jerky Snack. Full of flavour and with 100% natural ingredients. The snack can be given at any time of day as a tasty treat or reward. Always Supervise when feeding and keep fresh water available.

Arden Grange Cat & Dog Liver Paste Treat


Arden Grange Cat & Dog Liver Paste Treat

High levels of pork and pork liver make this the perfect reward or training aid for adult cats and dogs. It is also a great way of giving medication, either mixed in with a crushed tablet or with liquid medications on a...

Hollings 100% Chicken With Cheese


Hollings 100% Chicken With Cheese

These 100% Hollings Chicken with Cheese bars are made with the highest quality ingredients, a prefect tasty treat to give your dog as part of a healthy balanced diet, treat or reward. A nutritional tasty chicken bar with added cheese Great for...

Hollings 100% Natural Training Treats Duck


Hollings 100% Natural Training Treats Duck

These Duck training treats are suitable for dogs with a sensitive stomach or food allergies. To be given as a treat, reward or as a supplement to the main feed. Composition: Duck Analytical Constituents: Protein 60% Crude Fibre 0.2% Oils & Fats...

Betty Miller Good Dog Treats 100g


Betty Miller Good Dog Treats 100g

These Good Dog Biscuits contain a delicious combination of both liver & carob biscuit bones. They make the perfect reward for a very good dog, or an ideal training tool for a naughty dog! All Natural Ingredients Wheat-Free Recipe No Added Sugar...

Betty Miller's Good Pup Treats 100g


Betty Miller's Good Pup Treats 100g

These Good Pup biscuits are packed with highly digestible protein to help your pup grow fit and strong. Boosted with added goats' milk and whole egg, these mini-bones are ideal for use from weaning all the way to adulthood. All Natural Ingredients...
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