Dog Treats

Wagg Cookie Peanut & Banana


Wagg Cookie Peanut & Banana

A complementary pet food for all dogs 8 weeks and older. Wagg Cookies with Peanut Butter and Banana are a delicious treat for your dog, enriched with extra vitamins and minerals. Healthy from nose to tail Oven baked for great taste Origin...

Antos Cerea Toothbrushes Chews XL


Antos Cerea Toothbrushes Chews XL

One yummy chew a day can help support your dog's dental health. Antos Cerea Toothbrush chews have a unique brush shape and a chewy texture that fights plaque and tartar buildup while they enjoy their snack. Sold individually in one of three...

Wagg Tasty Chunks with Chicken, Ham and Beef


Wagg Tasty Chunks with Chicken, Ham and Beef

Wagg Tasty Chunks are a tasty treat for all dogs. With beef, chicken and ham for a really special reward. With an extra value 150g pack and no added sugar, no artificial colours or flavours and oven baked for a great taste....

Wagg BBQ Bangers


Wagg BBQ Bangers

Wagg BBQ Bangers are oven baked, Semi Moist, Meaty Dog Treats with a smokey BBQ Aroma of Pork Sausages to tempt even the fussiest of dogs.Great for reward based training or as a treat.Suitable for Adult dogs and Puppies from 8 weeksIngredients:...

Origins Olive Branch Small


Origins Olive Branch Small

A 100% natural, long lasting dog chew made from the branches of olive trees. The trees are pruned periodically making this chew completely sustainable and eco-friendly. These dog chews are soaked in olive oil also which helps with a dog's immune system,...

Wagg Sensitive Meaty Bites with Lamb and Rice Treats


Wagg Sensitive Meaty Bites with Lamb and Rice Treats

Wagg Sensitive Treats are the ideal treat for dogs with sensitive digestions. With easily digestible lamb and rice and with added pre-biotic which may help improve gut health. With no added sugar, no artificial colours or flavours and oven baked for a...

Antos Cerea Hedgehog Chews Small


Antos Cerea Hedgehog Chews Small

Small Vegan Hedgehog Dog Chews from Cerea!These tasty wheat-free, gluten-free, meat-free, vegan chews are a great vegetarian alternative.Made from a blend of potato starch and rice flour, these plant-based dog chews are a delicious treat for your dog.With their knobbled texture, they...

Origins Olive Branch Medium


Origins Olive Branch Medium

A 100% natural, long lasting dog chew made from the branches of olive trees. The trees are pruned periodically making this chew completely sustainable and eco-friendly. These dog chews are soaked in olive oil also which helps with a dog's immune system,...

Wagg Low Fat Meaty Bites with Turkey and Rice


Wagg Low Fat Meaty Bites with Turkey and Rice

Only 4% Fat, With L-Carnitine - may help with Weight Control, Oven Baked for Great Taste with No Added SugarCompositionWheat, Poultry meal, Glycerine, Rice flour (4%), Turkey meal (4%), Whey powder, Fat, Minerals, L-carnitine (0.3%).Additives (Per Kg)Nutritional Additives: Vitamin A 10,000 iu, Vitamin...

Antos Cerea Hedgehog Chew Lg


Antos Cerea Hedgehog Chew Lg

The Cerea range of 100% natural dog snacks, are all vegetable based and have a minimal fat content. Made from compounded vegetable fibres with natural colourings, the Cerea range offers a healthy alternative to all breeds of dog. The Cerea snacks are...

Origins Olive Branch Large


Origins Olive Branch Large

A 100% natural, long lasting dog chew made from the branches of olive trees. The trees are pruned periodically making this chew completely sustainable and eco-friendly. These dog chews are soaked in olive oil also which helps with a dog's immune system,...

Wagg Duck & Cranberry Skin & Coat Treats


Wagg Duck & Cranberry Skin & Coat Treats

Omega 3 & 6 Oils for a Healthy Skin and Glossy CoatNatural Antioxidants from Plant Extracts help Support the Immune SystemOven Baked for Great TasteNo Added SugarCompositionWheat, Duck meal (26%), Glycerine, Rapeseed oil (4%), Salmon oil (4%), Cranberries (4%), Minerals, Whey powder,...

Antos Cerea Frog Chews Small


Antos Cerea Frog Chews Small

These Frogs are low fat, eco-freindly, very entertaining and completely vegan. This Gluten Free Cerea snack is made with potato starch and designed to help clean your dog’s teeth. Why not put some peanut butter inside for extra food time fun.

Wagg Steaklets Steak Bites with Beef & Cheese


Wagg Steaklets Steak Bites with Beef & Cheese

Wagg Steaklets Steak Bites with beef & cheese. Steak bites enriched with vitamins & minerals. Oven baked for great natural taste. Lip smacking good. Keeping tails wagging since 1986. No added sugar.

Pet Munchies Natural Wild Salmon Training Treats


Pet Munchies Natural Wild Salmon Training Treats

Pet Munchies Wild Salmon Training Treats are made with 100% natural quality human grade Wild Salmon. These premium gourmet tasty bites, are made with the finest ingredients, make the perfect training aid. Delicately baked to perfection in their own natural juices. Wild...

Wagg Puppy and Junior Treats


Wagg Puppy and Junior Treats

Wagg Puppy Junior Treats are the ideal treat for puppies. They can be fed from eight weeks which is great for initial puppy training and come in easily portioned rolls for regular rewards. With added calcium from yoghurt and with no added...

Whimzees Hedgehog Large


Whimzees Hedgehog Large

What dog could resist chasing down a hedgehog? And what loving parent wouldn’t want the very best oral care for their dog? Meet Herman the Hedgehog, the fun, effective all-natural dental treat that removes plaque and tartar and reduce the bacteria that...

Barking Heads Nitie Nights Baked Treats


Barking Heads Nitie Nights Baked Treats

Barking Heads’ Nitie Nites are hand-crafted with love using only top-quality, natural ingredients like chamomile, skullcap & valerian. These tasty and soothing bed-time treats are carefully oven baked in small batches using environmentally-friendly wood burning ovens. Perfect as an evening snack or...
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